Find your people...
Small Groups have one, simple purpose: to bring people together. We believe God created us to live in relationship with others. Only then can we live the full life that God intends for us. Sharing life through community is part of our design, but meaningful relationships aren’t always easy to find. That’s why Small Groups exist — to make these life-changing relationships relevant and accessible to you.
During each semester, you can use our Small Groups Directory to find the group that is right for you. When you choose the perfect Group, simply call the leader for all the details (time, location, what to bring, etc). You can check them out by clicking below!
Right Now Media
We're excited to share that our church now has access to an extensive, new video library called RightNow Media! It’s like the "Netflix of Video Bible Studies" and has a HUGE library of faith-based videos that you can access whenever and wherever you want—on your phone, iPad, computer, or at home on your TV.
As a church staff, we’re always looking for ways to help you develop and strengthen your faith. We believe that RightNow Media will be a tool to serve you as you live out your faith at home, at work and in your neighborhood. RightNow Media has videos for everyone—kids, youth, parents, married couples, college students, single adults, working professionals—all aimed at helping you grow.
You should have already received an official invitation email to give you FREE access to RightNow Media. If you haven't received it yet, check your mail filter (because it came from RightNow's system, it may have gotten caught there). Once you find the email, simply click the link, sign up for an account, and you’re all set to explore more than 20,000 videos.
If you have not received an email, and would like access, please reach out to Our Staff to get access to your free account!
We pray that RightNow Media will be a blessing for you and your family!
Leading a Small Group is easy
Leading a Small Group isn't about being perfect, but about serving others by giving them a place to connect. Hosting a Group is simple; choose a topic that interests you and select a time and location to meet with others to share it. We give you essential tools to make your Small Group successful through a short training session and a leader's form where you can register your Group so others can find it easily. We believe people's lives are changed one semester at a time by moving them one step closer to Christ. As a Small Group leader, you get to play an important role in that process. To begin the process of starting a small group, or to update your current group, just click below!